Three-Pointer Algorithm for Finding Common Element

Common Elements in Three Sorted Arrays - Visualization The three-pointer technique is used to find common elements in three sorted arrays efficiently. It minimizes time complexity while keeping spa…

Synchronous vs Asynchronous Programming in Python

Synchronous vs Asynchronous Programming in Python In Python , synchronous and asynchronous programming refer to how tasks are executed in a program, particularly when dealing with I…

Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock: DSA

Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock - DSA Visualization The visualization below demonstrates how the algorithm works. The green bar represents the current buy position (left pointer), and the red bar…

SQL Indexes and Heap Files

SQL Indexes and Heap Files in MySQL 1. SQL Indexes An index in SQL is a data structure that improves query performance by allowing MySQL to quickly locate data without scanning each row i…

Counting Inversions: A Comprehensive Guide

Counting Inversions: A Comprehensive Guide What is an Inversion? An inversion in an array is a pair of indices (i, j) such that i < j and arr[i] > arr[j]. Counting the number of inver…

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